Keeping His Word

Lord God of Israel, there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all their heart. I Kings 8:23

It has been said that if you could take all the lawyers in America and lay them down head to toe in the Arizona desert, that it would probably be best to just leave them there. I say that jokingly, for there are many good lawyers, and I am sure we would be for the worse if there were none. But, the joke does capture the idea that there is a huge pool of lawyers in our society. And most of them do nothing more than make sure people follow through with what they say they will do.

We need lawyers to write contracts, review contracts, enforce contracts, defend contracts, and so on. Why? Why do we need so many lawyers? In short, because people fail to keep their word!

But we will never have this problem with God; He always keeps His word. There is no one in heaven, no one on earth who can keep his or her word like Him. Many men will keep their word as long as the keeping of it doesn’t hurt them. If there is to be great financial pain, get out of the contract, file bankruptcy, hide your assets… Do something, but don’t get hurt!

Not so for God. He will keep His word even if it hurts. All one needs for proof of that is to look at the Cross. God keeps His word!

Let this verse be comfort for you. The Bible says,

The Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Our end of the bargain is simple: Walk before Him with all our hearts. We do so in response to His great commitment to us; His commitment of resources, love, support, peace, kindness, hope… What a little thing for us to give in response: our hearts.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart… Matthew 22:37

A Few Q's for You
Is there something that you are facing right now that is causing you to stress out or loose hope?

How is God showing you today that He is with you even though times are tough?

Write your answers in a “comment”. Keep it anonymous if it is too personal. I’ll pray for you.

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