Broken Windows Chapter 3

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I guess that’s something I’d change. I wouldn’t be getting all pissed off and bent out of shape about getting milk, even if it was only one percent milk.

And I’ll tell you something, once you got used to one percent it’s not all that bad. Just don’t try to make me drink that nonfat junk. That’s when they take the milk out of milk or something stupid like that. Might as well get a cup and just put two drops of milk in it and then fill the rest of the cup with water. I can’t stand nonfat. Nonfat anything. Give me a burger that sets the barbeque on fire and sets off smoke alarms and the fire station has to come and check that everything’s okay.

And who wants sherbet? Give me some ice cream! Hagen Daaz Rum Raisin or Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. That stuff has lots of fat and lots of yum in it.

Hey, did you ever notice that “sherbet” doesn’t have an “r” at the end? What kind of stupid person spells a word like that without an “r”? I remember the first time I saw it when I was a little kid. I said “sure-bet” or something stupid like that, and my sister laughed at me. “It’s ‘Sher-bert’, Dummy.” How was I supposed to know? I think the real dummy was the first person who spelled it without an “r” in the first place. It was probably some little snot-nosed kid who’s dad was the king or something and all the stupid people around him had to act like everything the little prince did was so cute and next thing you know everyone is trying to be cute like the king’s son or something and they start leaving the “r” out of “sherbert” and now we’re stuck with “sherbet” without an “r” at the end.

I don’t know. I guess when it is all said and done that’s kind of what I’m like, that letter “r” at the end of “sherbet”. Nobody misses it now that it’s gone. People aren’t walking around and talking about how sherbet isn’t the same without that “r” at the end of it. People are still buying it and eating it- well, people who don’t mind food without fat. Stink, you could take both the “r’s” out of it, and people would still get it. You’d say, “sherbert” but you’d spell, s-h-e-b-e-t and everyone would still eat it and nobody would even care that the “r’s” are completely gone. This world is the stupidest place I’ve ever been.

But that’s what I’m talking about. You can’t just go dropping letters whenever you feel like it. If there is an “er” sound in the word, then give it a stinking “r”. That’s all I got to say about it.

Why don’t we do that to my name? You can be calling me “Randy” all you want, but when you write me a note or something, you can spell it A-n-d-y, and we’ll just know that the “R” is still there. I mean, how stupid is that.

Anyhow, nobody is walking around somewhere saying, “Sure do miss Randy” or something like that. This whole stupid world just keeps going and going whether I’m there or not. When it’s all said and done I don’t think anyone is missing me.


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