Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. II Timothy
need more than just the revelation of nature; we need the revelation of God's
Word- the Bible. And it is through that book that we are able to know God. And
what does it teach us?
is love. I John 4:8
find that God is the very definition of love- of unconditional love. Every time
we turn around in the Bible it seems as though we see love pouring from heaven
upon man.
also find that God has plans for your life. You are not a forgotten person. On
the contrary! You are very much in the forefront of God’s mind. He is thinking
of you; He has made plans for you; He has hope for you.
So much more can be
said about the attributes of God, but they can all be found in the Bible.
Though nature is a good start, the only place to get the full revelation is
through the Bible, which was given by inspiration of God.
A Couple Q's for You
How have you seen God's love you in the Bible?
Has God ever shown you direction for an issue through something you were reading in the Bible?
A Couple Q's for You
How have you seen God's love you in the Bible?
Has God ever shown you direction for an issue through something you were reading in the Bible?
Write your answers in a “comment". Keep it anonymous if it is too personal. I’ll pray for you.
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